A Chamber member or a group of members can host a Business Before Hours (breakfast), Mid-Day Mingle (lunch) or Business After Hours. It is a great opportunity to introduce your organization to the membership and refresh itself with the local business community. The marketing cost to host a Before or After Hours event is No Charge.
If you or a group of businesses want to host a Business Before Hours, Mid-Day Mingle or Business After Hours, please contact our office as soon as possible. These events are booked at least two months in advance to allow timely publicity in the MSI Chamber newsletter, Facebook, monthly event list, emails and other communication with our members. It is not uncommon for our office to book a year in advance.
Before Hours are usually booked the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 8-9:30am, Mid-Day Mingle 3rd Thursday of each month Noon-1:30p, Business After Hours 5-7pm the 4th Tuesday monthly (we can make changes, if the recommended dates don’t work for you)
As the Business Before Hours, Mid-Day Mingle or Business After Hours host, your logo is listed in the Chamber newsletter, free of charge. This provides your business with exposure, as well as advertising your event. It is at your discretion whether your business wants to generate an actual insert in the Voice (1,000 copies). We “the chamber” will handle registration and name-tags at the event in which we will collect business cards for you to use as a marketing tool after the happening.
We encourage you to invite your friends, family, clients and vendors. This is a MSI Chamber event, but most important it is YOUR your event in order to make the very most of it, highlight and promote your organization.
As the host or hosts, it is your responsibility to provide food, beverages and parking for up to 65 attendees. Please call the Chamber office 704-664-3898 with any questions while planning your event. Your business can decide whether you want to incorporate door prizes or giveaways. We (chamber staff) can take RSVP’s if you prefer.