What is the Chamber of Commerce
The Mooresville Chamber of Commerce was first established in 1916 "for the purpose of uniting and combining people into a band of laborers, that will work for the Town and its interest at all times" (W.J. Haselden, "Mooresville, North Carolina : The Early Years, P 149, 1967) Almost 90 years later, the chamber is still accomplishing this early ambition. In 1953, the Mooresville Chamber of Commerce was reorganized and received a Certificate of Incorporation from the State of North Carolina. It was at this time the chamber had its first full-time paid staff. It operated under this name until 1982, when the Mooresville Chamber of Commerce and Mooresville Merchants Association merged. From this merger, the chamber assumed its current identity of the Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce.
The purpose of this organization is for advancement of the civic, commercial and industrial growth of general interest of the Town of Mooresville and the South Iredell area. It is a nonprofit organization. It dispenses information concerning all aspects of the community and acts as the catalyst in the civic activities. The Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce is a major force in promoting the quality of life.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be a proactive business and community organization committed to providing education and support, with an influential voice, dedicated to economic success and quality of life throughout the greater Mooresville-South Iredell area.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce is to serve as the community champion and advocate for business.
Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce Staff
Kirk Ballard
Melinda Brown
Finance Manager
Zach Sulek